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Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Life

Course Application Form

Personal Info

Please select preferred course date
Please briefly share why you are interested in joining the course and any prior experience practicing mindfulness or meditation:
If you have a history of mental health difficulties, please email us to arrange a short call to ensure this is the appropriate course for you. 
Guidelines for Participation:
  • For safety and safeguarding, we require participants to have their cameras on during the sessions.

  • Please ensure you join the sessions from a private location where others cannot hear or see your screen to maintain confidentiality.



Throughout the course, there will be parts of sessions that will be recorded. These recordings are specifically for our own professional development and to ensure the highest quality of instruction and support for all participants. 

The recordings are for internal use only and will be shared exclusively with the course supervisor. They will not be disseminated or accessible to anyone beyond the supervisor overseeing the program.

Thanks for submitting!

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